2022 Carbon Emissions

In an industry notorious for emissions, we've taken a different path. Our Climate Neutral Certification, held since 2020, reflects our dedication to account for and offset all emissions— including those often overlooked.

For many companies, Scope 3 contributes the largest portion of emissions. Yet, not all companies are open and transparent about this because these emissions are the hardest to measure and change. We believe in full transparency as we actively work to reduce and monitor our Scope 3 emissions.

By disclosing our carbon footprint and reduction strategies, we keep ourselves accountable and committed to continually minimizing our impact. We’ve also submitted a Science Based Target in line with the latest climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Find more information on our emission reduction efforts in the report.

Scope 1 Emissions 20.7 tCO2e
Scope 2 Emissions 0.3 tCO2e
Scope 3 Emissions 13,744.3 tCO2e
Total Carbon Footprint 13,765.3 tCO2e